Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Makin' Da Monnneyyyy

I usually leave for work before Andrew but both the boys are usually up already eating breakfast.  When I walk out, Andrew says to Tommy, "Mama's going to work!"  In response, Andrew has taught Tommy to say, "To make da monnneeeyyy!" Love it!

So this week Tommy ended up coming with me to work because of a minor allergic reaction incident.  Long story but nothing to worry about (not like last time).  Anyway, he had a good time!!
 He had his crackers, sippy, and Scout.  He was ALL SET.

I found an extra phone laying around and let Tommy play with it.  Because he is part of the new Who-Knows-What-It's-Going-To-Be-Called Generation, he has never seen a phone with an actual cord.  When I first gave it to him, he picked the entire unit up and held it up to his face and said, "HEYYO??" (Yep he says the Y sound instead of the L sound.)  Too funny.

I just have to post this picture.  This was the very first time I took him to my office my first week of work in this office. What a tiny little bald cutie!! Aww! So little!

That night we FaceTimed with Andrew and he said, "Did you go to work with Mama today?"  Tommy said, "Tommy's makin' da moooonnneeyyyy!!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldnt have said it any better to be honest! keep up the awesome work. You are very talented & I only wish I could write as good as you do :) …

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